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Our Lady of the Angels RC Primary School

Working together, playing together, praying togetherCyd weithio, cyd chwarae, cyd weddio

Collective Worship

At Our Lady of the Angels School we understand that collective worship is important to the spiritual life of the school and to pupils’ moral and spiritual development. 

Taking part in daily collective worship helps build community cohesion by creating a consistent structure around the core values and symbols of of our faith where all people can actively engage.

Throughout the year, our school communities come together to celebrate important events in the Church’s calendar, such as Lent and Advent, as well as the start and end of the academic year. Through regular prayer and worship, including Mass, the Church’s year becomes a normal part of school life and each pupil’s life.

Collective worship allows all involved to explore and understand the values at the heart of our school and gives pupils a space and time to reflect. Whether in times of crisis or celebration, the time set aside in the school day for reflection provides everyone with the opportunity to gather and support one another as a community.

Spring Term Collective Worship Dates


Parents are invited to join us at 2.30pm on the dates below


ReceptionThursday, 14th March
Class 1Thursday, 22nd February
Class 2Thursday, 29th February
Class 3Wednesday, 7th February
Class 4Wednesday, 31st January
Class 6tbc


Class 5 parents are invited in for The Way of the Cross on Wednesday, 20th March at 2.30pm.

Class Collective Worship

Weekly Mass - Every week two classes buddy together to attend Mass

Weekly Praise Through Song

Still image for this video
Every week we gather to give praise to God through hymns and contemporary songs. It is a wonderful way to show God our love and appreciation for al things.