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Our Lady of the Angels RC Primary School

Working together, playing together, praying togetherCyd weithio, cyd chwarae, cyd weddio

Exclusion Periods for Common Infections

Illness and Infections

Length of time an Individual is to be kept away from setting (Exclusion Period)



YES, 5 days from onset of rash AND until all vesicles (blisters) have crusted over, (dried up).

NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Chickenpox


Cold Sores

(Herpes Simplex)


 NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Cold sore

German Measles


YES, exclusion for five days from onset of rash. (1st day of rash is classed as day 0)

NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Rubella (German measles)

Hand, Foot and Mouth (Coxsackie Viral Infection)


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Hand, foot and mouth disease


YES, exclusion until affected areas are crusted and healed, or 48 hours after commencing antibiotic treatment.

NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Impetigo


YES, four days from onset of rash. (1st day of rash is classed as day 0).

NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Measles


YES, until treatment has been commenced.


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Ringworm


YES, affected individual can return 24 after first treatment.

NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Scabies

Scarlet Fever*

YES, individuals can return after full 24 hours of appropriate antibiotics, if not treated with antibiotics the individual should not return until symptoms have resolved.

NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Scarlet fever

Streptococcal A (also known as Strep Throat) See also Tonsillitis

YES, individual can return after full 24 hours of appropriate antibiotics.

NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Streptococcus A (Strep A)

Slapped Cheek/Fifth Disease/Parvovirus B19


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Slapped cheek syndrome

Shingles, (this infection is caused by the same virus as Chickenpox, this virus can remain in the body and sometimes is reactivated, and this is known as Shingles).

Individual only to be kept away from setting if rash is weeping and cannot be covered.

NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Shingles

Warts and Verrucae


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Warts and verruca’s

Diarrhoea and/or vomiting


YES, 48 hours from last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting.


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Diarrhoea and vomiting

E. coli O157 STEC*

Typhoid [and Paratyphoid] (Enteric Fever) *

Shigella* (Dysentery)


YES, keep away from the setting for 48 hours from the last episode of diarrhoea as a minimum.


Some individuals may need to be kept away from the setting until they are no longer excreting the bacteria in their faeces. Microbiological clearance may be required. Always consult with your local Environmental Health Officer/Health Protection Team.


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Dysentery


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Typhoid fever


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Food poisoning

Acute Respiratory Illness e.g., COVID-19 (Coronavirus-19) *

(Please also see influenza)

Please follow current Welsh Government Guidance on Self-Isolation: 

Guidance for people with symptoms of a respiratory infection, including COVID-19 | GOV.WALES

or What are the latest rules around COVID-19 in schools, colleges, nurseries and other education settings? - The Education Hub (

if you become symptomatic (high temperature > 37.80C; new continuous cough; or loss of/change in sense of smell or taste), if you are asymptomatic.


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Cold, common


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Chest infection, Adult

Flu (Influenza)

YES, 5 days after onset of symptoms. Can return when no longer symptomatic. Cases who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with others, where they can.  They can return to childcare, education environments when they no longer have a high temperature for 48 hours, and they are well enough to attend. 



NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Flu


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Flu vaccine, seasonal


Always consult the Health Protection

Team. Exclusion is only recommended for infective, (active), Tuberculosis.




NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Tuberculosis (TB)

Whooping Cough


YES, 48 hours from commencing antibiotic treatment, or 21 days from onset of illness if no antibiotic treatment.


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Whooping cough



NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Conjunctivitis

Eye and Ear Infections


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Eye injuries


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Ear infection

Glandular Fever


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Glandular fever

Head Lice



NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Head lice and nits



YES, until they have received the appropriate antibiotic treatment. Always consult the Health Protection Team.

NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Meningitis

Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib) Meningitis/Septicaemia*

YES, until they have received the appropriate antibiotic treatment. Always consult the Health Protection Team.


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b)

Meningitis viral*


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Meningitis

Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)


NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : MRSA


YES, five days after onset of jaw/neck swelling.

NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Mumps



NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Threadworms


None usually.  If tonsillitis caused by Group A Streptococcus (sometimes referred to as ‘Strep throat’), individual can return 24 hours after commencing appropriate antibiotic treatment.

NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Tonsillitis