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Our Lady of the Angels RC Primary School

Working together, playing together, praying togetherCyd weithio, cyd chwarae, cyd weddio

Professional Learning Plan 2022-23

It is a Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) requirement that we keep parents informed about the professional learning that takes place in school and our use of the professional learning grant.


PL Grant allocated £4150 by WAG to spend on professional learning. This money is used to release teachers to take part in a variety of training linked to the new curriculum that is statutory from September 2022.


Here are some examples of what we have been doing:

  • Attending all EAS PL Sessions and PL Lead working with cluster schools
  • One member of senior management team to take part in ALNCo training and the new ALN Bill
  • Joint cluster schools project on the new curriculum.
  • Collaboration with schools outside the cluster developing the new curriculum


If you require any further information please contact Ceri Prosser on 01633 484673 or email
