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Our Lady of the Angels RC Primary School

Working together, playing together, praying togetherCyd weithio, cyd chwarae, cyd weddio

Prophecy and Promise

We continue to move into the Liturgical year, moving into two seasons we know well: Advent and Christmas. I hope this time of preparing for and celebrating the birth of God into the world is a time for you to share some activities and rituals which the seasons bring.


The religious education unit for all phases in this half term includes 3 areas of study.


The first is Advent, when we remember and learn about the rituals, from light purple to the O Antiphons, that are part of the traditions of the Church. The season of Advent is when we move to a new Gospel and so your children will be introduced to, or reminded of, the Gospel of Luke. This brings us into alignment with the Church, who call Luke’s year, Year C.


The second content are is the Infancy narrative of Luke – so don’t be surprised if you don’t hear about wise men! The focus for each phase shifts a little according to the new Religious Education Directory, but includes the Magnificat, the presence of angels, and the role of women, who like Mary, make a difference, now.


The third content area is Christmas. Pupils will again return to the traditions of this season as they discuss, describe, explain and evaluate whether Christmas now really is the commemoration of the birth of Jesus, or not!


We trust this half term bring you the blessings of Advent and Christmas, patience in the chaos, joy in the waiting and love in the celebrating.
