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Our Lady of the Angels RC Primary School

Working together, playing together, praying togetherCyd weithio, cyd chwarae, cyd weddio

School Essentials Grant

Children whose families are on lower incomes and qualify for certain benefits can apply for a grant of:

  • £225 per learner
  • £300 for learners entering year 7 (to help with increased costs associated with starting secondary school


The grant can help families with the purchase of:

  • School uniform including coats and shoes;
  • School sports kit including footwear;
  • Uniform for enrichment activities, including but not limited to, scouts; guides; cadets; martial arts; sports; performing arts or dance;
  • Equipment e.g. school bags and stationery;
  • Specialist equipment where new curriculum activities begin such as design and technology; and
  • Equipment for out of school hour trips such as outdoor learning e.g. waterproofs;
  • Laptops, IT equipment to support school work


All compulsory school years from reception to year 11 are now eligible.


All looked after children of compulsory school age qualify for the grant, whether they receive free school meals or not.


The funding is also available to the following pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals:

  • Pupil’s with no recourse to public funds entering the above school years
  • Pupils in special schools, special needs resource bases and pupil referral units who are entering the above school years


Pupils who receive Free School Meals due to transitional protection arrangements or under the Universal Free School Meal scheme do not qualify for this funding. Please refer to the Free School Meals section of our website for further information.


Families are only entitled to claim once per child, per school year.


The 2022 to 2023 scheme closes on 30 June 2023. The above amount includes an extra payment of £100 for this year only. 


Payments will be issued based on automated eligibility checks and these checks will be carried out on a regular basis. The payment will normally be made in to your bank account, we may need to contact you to obtain this information.


Although all children will receive FSM those on lower incomes and previously accessed FSM on the paid system should apply.


Apply for Free School Meals / School Essentials Grant here.
